Ninja250Wiki:Site support
The Ninja 250 Riders Club is a not-for-profit site; no one makes any money from it. This site exists because we enjoy riding Ninja 250s, and motorcycles in general, and want to share that enjoyment with others. Running the site isn't free, however. It requires significant monetary costs for web space, bandwidth, and domain name registration. For what we spend annually getting the site on the internet and ensuring it stays there, you could buy a used Ninja 250 in very good condition. We are willing to cover these costs on our own, but we do have families and jobs to be responsible for, so we gladly accept any donations from members. We have set up a Paypal account to make it easy for board members to make donations, if they wish to. Even a dollar or two can make a difference in the end. Please note that making a donation is not required for board access or membership, nor does it give you any additional rights. However, to make supporting the club a little bit more fun, we have annual Support Subscriptions. Thank you for your support! |